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Waxing and I have never been friends. I tried it once in college before a trip to Baja with a girl friend. We microwaved the wax and it got too hot. So we stirred it to cool, applied it with popsicle sticks, and covered it with plastic strips, then pulled. And pulled. And pulled. It was messy, it was painful, and it was imperfect. I steered clear until several years post-college, when the shaving and razor bumps and ingrown hair started to drive me crazy. I had booked an appointment for after my girl friend's wedding, which was coming up in just a few days. Two nights before the wedding, we were all hanging out and chatting, and she shared with us that she was glad she had gotten waxed a few days earlier because she was black and blue DOWN THERE! I was horrified, and prompty canceled my appointment, enduring the bumps and burns and ingrowns, believing there wasn't a better way.

I was so wrong.

Enter European Wax Center. Reader, I've been going to them for 3 years now, and while no one can really love waxing, I do love them! Here's why:

1) They use a hard-wax. This means no strips and no sticky residue that you have to use oil to painstaikingly rub off later. It goes on easily, dries hard, and comes off in one clean, smooth pull. Depending on where you get waxed (truth time: I'm a full brazillian) some parts are more tender, but I feel great afterwards, and never have to take advil (which I decidedly needed after my soft-wax experience!)

2) They have experienced technicians. I have only had one bad wax from them, and it was a new girl who was training and super nervous. All my waxers have been professional, competent, and amazing to work with. More than that, they know their stuff. The first few months as I was figuring out how to care for my freshly waxed skin, they provided a wealth of knowledge about types of ingrowns, how to deal with them, and daily and weekly hygiene tips to stay smooth and ingrown free! Speaking of:

3) The supporting product line is perfection. The Ingrown Hair Serum, Slow-it Body Wash, and The Exfoliate keep my body smooth and ingrown-free. If you use them consistently, your time between waxings is simple and painless.

So what are you waiting for? Get down there and tell them you're a first time guest! Then tell them I sent you! You'll get several discounts and freebies that you don't want to miss out on!

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