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I could write a post sharing all the things you know you need. The best diapers (Pamper's Swaddlers), our favorite swaddles (Aden & Anais), or even the diaper cream that has never failed us (surprisingly, A&D). But this post isn't about those things. It's about the items that I liked, and thought would be cute additions, and ended up being lifesavers.

1) You knew you needed the perfect teether, but you might not have known it was....

.... a teething necklace from LouLou Lollipop

THIS! We love Sophie, but she gets dropped, and can be hard for the littler hands to hold. The teething necklace was something I was pretty "eh" about, but when Evie couldn't hold Sophie and was teething SO HARD, I remembered it and pulled it out. GAME.CHANGER. She loves it. It's still her favorite car-ride item. It saved us when we were flying. And a long day at Disneyland would have been oh so fussy without it. You didn't know it, but you do need one of these (#yourewelcome).

2) You knew you needed a stroller toy, but you didn't know it was....

My mom got it because she thought it was cute, and it's been so much more than cute. When Evie was younger, she wanted to look at it. As she got older, the wanted to hold it, and the little rings were small enough for her little hands. Then she got interested in textures and the soft moon vs the ridgy cloud were awesome. She also loves to chew on the cloud when she's teething. When she went through her "Tags are SO AWESOME!" phase, the tags on the moon were enthralling. Do you need to hear more? This moon is cute, neutral, and grows with Evie. She's still discovering parts of it that she loves 11 months later (and, at under $8, how could you not?).

3) You knew you needed bibs, but you didn't realize...

These are the only drool-catchers we own. Soft, super absorbent, and made extremely well, these bibs have the chicest patterns, a wide variety of colors, and keep outfits safe from spit-up, teething drool, apple sauce, and just about anything in between. We have 12 (don't judge me).

That's it! What are some of your surprise essentials?

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