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It takes time to find freedom in that message. In fact, it's so counter-cultural that we often feel a deep sense of revolt towards the thought that we are not enough. Everything around us says that we are. If we dig deep enough, really get to know ourselves, and believe in who we are, then we have what we need inside of us, and we are enough.

While on some levels, this message rings true, at it's core there is a lie that leads us away from Christ. We are not enough, not on our own. We become enough - we are equipped to be enough - when we claim the victory and freedom God gives us through Christ.

"Such is the confidence that we have through Christ towards God.

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything

as coming from us, but out sufficiency is from God"

2 Cor 3:4-5

I think one of the reasons this message is bringing me so much freedom and peace right now is that, when I try to draw from what I have within me, I don't have enough. My emotional and physical wells do not hold enough for me to give everything I need to to Gabe, Evie, my girl friends, the dogs, the errands, taking care of the home, and, oh yeah, taking care of me. They're broken, shallow cisterns (Jeremiah 2:13). But the beauty of Christ is that I don't have to draw on what I have. I draw on who He is, and what He has, and He is enough. His "streams of living water" flow through me and out to the people I invest in. I don't have to have enough in myself - which is so freeing, because I never could - instead, I need to draw confidently from Christ, who is sufficient, and that enables me to become enough.

You are not enough. But He is. And through Him, you are. What a beautiful freedom.

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