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Happy New Year, Reader! Thank you for joining me in 2017! Can you believe that I'm 6 months along today? Yeah, me neither. Some days I feel huge, and some days I look down and think "Why am I not bigger? She's getting close to being baked..."

Speaking of, she's now the size of a cantaloupe, around 12" long, and over a pound! No wonder I'm starting to deal with back pain! And her kicks have gone from cute to uncomfortable. My "favorite" are when she punches my lungs (which is where the spastic coughing fits and gasping for air comes from) or kicks my bladder (yep, I've taken to wearing panty liners, because... you know. Thanks Evie).


More positive than I have been. I'm really uncomfortable, and it can be disheartening to think about how much more uncomfortable things will get before they get better (realistically, we're talking June/July before I'm over most of the pain and discomfort that come with pregnancy, birth, and post-partum. Bleh), but I had a thought the other day that I am trying to hold on to: Evie is coming because G and I decided to create a life together, and are committed to raising her together. And, honestly, he's been an amazing partner. I didn't know I could be so vulnerable, and so broken, and still be so loved. So, for the first time since getting pregnant, I'm starting to feel like it might all be worth it.


Cinnabon. Hard-core. And Donuts. But other than that, my cravings are all really good things! Like lately, I've been obsessed with greek yogurt, berries, and mint. If I'm really hungry, I'll add an apple or a side of steamed edemame (or both!). I'm also loving munching on raw unsalted almonds, dried cranberries, and a small square of 72% dark chocolate (my favorite mid-afternoon pick-me-up!)


Being touched while sleeping. Getting comfortable and falling asleep is hard enough, even with my Snoogle (life changing! GET ONE if you're pregnant), and our sweet puppy wants to snuggle ALL.NIGHT. Drives me crazy.


I've said it before, and I'm saying it again: the Snoogle is a sleep-game-changer when you're pregnant. I'm also on the hunt for some comfy loungewear that will take me through second trimester, third trimester, and still be stylish for the new-mom days. I'm loving these drawstring sweats from Nike and this sweatshirt (also Nike). I'm also really enjoying this new face scrub from Dermalogica (get 20% off with code COFFEE20). It's kicking my pregnancy-hormone acne breakout in the bootie (in the best way!).


Getting Evie's room pulled together! We've ordered all the big pieces of furniture, and decorating is in full swing. I'm loving spending time nesting and creating the space that will be my little girl's room (and where I spend a LOT of my time this summer!). You can see my inspiration on Pinterest. I'm running with a Neverland (not Peter Pan; Neverland) theme, and having so much fun!

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