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This one crept up on me, Reader. An area of my life that became about other's approval so slowly that I didn't even notice it until this December, when I spent a full four weeks emotionally distraught over making or not making the purchase of these Express Sequin Leggings:

Photo via

I loved them. I had tried them on at least once a week for three weeks. They fit like a dream. Right length, right "hug" without being too tight, and so many possibilities! I could wear them as pictured above for a classy holiday party or night out, or pair them with tennies, this ILY Couture Wifey Tee that I'm obsessed with, and my black (minus the) leather Express jacket or a denim jacket for casual weekend wear. I went home after the first "try on" armed with pictures to show G, sure he would say how much he loved the way they looked on me and encourage me to pick them up. Instead, he expressed quite a bit of disgust over the idea of sequin anything, leaving me reeling in a mire of indecision for the rest of the month, torn between what I felt when I wore them (which was damn sexy!) and the approval of the man who I want to see me as damn sexy.

At the end of it, I purchased the leggings, and I still LOVE them. A lot. You see, Reader, I decided that I couldn't let anyone's opinion of me, of what I wore, of what I looked like, crush out part of who I am. Part of me loves sparkle. As a guy, G may never get that. And that's okay! I need to dress so that I feel good, not dress in things I don't really like to get other people's approval. That being said, here are a few tips for dressing for you:

1) If you love it and it fits with your style aesthetic, GET IT! If you haven't sussed out what your style is yet, check out my four-part series on Building your Perfect Wardrobe. You can find Part I here. Once you're sure it's a piece that fits with who you are, go for it!

2) How clothing makes you feel will be the persona you project. Feel damn sexy? You'll project damn sexy. Feel insecure? That will come across loud and clear, too. You need to dress in what makes you feel like the best you! Want to be a sporty you? Wear your favorite pair of tennies with those jeans that hug you just right and a comfy t-shirt! Fancy? Throw on those heels that give you an extra bit of strut. Professional? Glam it up with the watch you love and the bag that makes your heart skip a beat every time you look down at it.

3) "But I have to dress XXX way for this event" - no problem! There are lots of ways to add a touch of you to any outfit! The shoes, the bag, and even the panty/bra set you choose can make you feel amazing as you go throughout your day or night! Always make sure there is a touch of *you* somewhere, and you can't go wrong.

I hope this helps, ladies! There are so many insidious ways the world can creep in and get us to seek other's approval. Remember the approval that counts is from Christ, and it is that approval we are to seek with our whole heart. Live in His grace and shine like my new sequin pants as you share His love with others. Because you are beautiful, and you are worthy, and you deserve to look and feel like it.

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