Ashley Lopez

Aug 13, 20183 min


This post was not sponsored by Kohls, but I did use some Kohls Cash sent to me by the company via an affiliate network to assist in purchasing the denim jackets as part of an Instagram campaign. Just FYI :)

One thing you may not know about me is that I like to think about my purchases for a while before I make them. Case in point: I spent about 9 months going into Coach every week to look at/play with/think about my 25" grey suede Rogue purchase before I actually bought the bag. I find it's the best way to make sure I don't have purchase regret (it's like the opposite of FOMO) and feel settled about how/where I spend my $$. It usually works out great for me. Usually.

Unfortunately, I waited a leetle too long on these Mama & Babe jackets I'd been eyeing earlier this year, and the Mama one is sold out EVERYWHERE! Which started me thinking about how difficult it would be to make some myself. After some thinking, I decided it would be fairly simple to DIY, and when I opened my email that morning, I saw the chance I'd been waiting for in the form of some Kohl's Cash. Evie and I promptly made a Kohl's run (see more on my stories!) and picked up some matching denim jackets (Evie's is from Carter's and mine is Levis).

A trip to our local arts & crafts store saw me quickly equipped with the items I needed to finish the project - and, I have to say, I'm really pleased with how they turned out! Biggest bonus? The whole project came in at less than what just the Babe jacket would have cost, and the color (or lack thereof!) is much more my speed. Full tutorial below, along with a downloadable PDF of the template for both the MAMA and the BABE applique.



  • Denim Jackets for you and your babe

  • 1/4 yard of white denim

  • Fabric paint of your choice, or iron-on letter appliques

  • Small paintbrush

  • Pencil

  • X-acto Knife

  • Scissors

  • Sewing Machine

  • Denim needle

  • White thread

  • Pins

STEP 1: Download and print out the MAMA and BABE templates. Be sure when printing to uncheck the "Fit to Page" option.

STEP 2 Prepping the template: Use scissors to cut out the entire shape. If you're using fabric paint (like I did), you'll next use an X-acto knife to cut out each letter within the shape. If you've got a steady hand, go for it! If not, a metal ruler can be great for helping cut the straight edges. If you're using iron-on letters, no need to cut out the MAMA and BABE lettering.

STEP 3 Creating the Patch: Place the templates on the denim, and use a pencil to trace the outline of the shape and each letter (if using paint). Next, using a small paint brush, fill in each letter. Let dry, then cut out the patch.

STEP 4 Attaching the Patch: Place the patch at the desired location on the back of the jacket, then pin in place. Using a denim needle and sturdy white thread, sew around the edge of the patch. If you painted the letters on, you're done! If using iron-on letters, follow instructions to adhere letters now.\

That's it! Now you get to enjoy twinning with your mini in style.

#DIY #MommyandMe #MomStyle
