Ashley Lopez

Feb 14, 20173 min


For Valentine's Day this year, I thought I'd have a little fun and share a bit more about my man! He's the one who makes this blog possible, and is always my biggest fan. So here's the inside scoop on the man beside this woman:

Name: Gabriel Lopez

Age: 35

Occupation: RVP of South Texas for Yellow Pages (, amazing husband, world's best foot rubber, and soon-to-be all star daddy

1) We have the best time doing ordinary things

  • Long drives in the car, coffee dates, playing cards, binge-watching something on demand... he's my favorite person to just do life with.

2) Dinner, Wine, and Music are a regular part of our Friday Nights

  • I love that we take the time to reflect on the week, reconnect with each other, and plan for our weekend with a home-cooked meal, a bottle of vino, and our favorite Pandora station playing over the gramophone.

3) He always takes the time to make me feel special

  • I can't even begin to tell you how many times G's heard a passing comment and acted on it to surprise me later. This man wants to know my heart and make sure I feel understood, known, and loved.

4) He's quick to apologize

  • Like most couples, our fights and disagreements have two people who are in the wrong and need to apologize... and more often than not, G apologizes first. His heart wants our unity first and foremost, and I love that he's always working to keep us healthy and united.

5) He genuinely wants the best for me

  • Sometimes this can lead to difficult conversations, sometimes it leads to bigger, more exciting dreams, but it always leads me closer to the woman God has called me to be. I love that he reminds me who I was, loves who I am, and urges me towards the woman I am becoming.

6) He reminds me who I am in Jesus

  • I get stressed. I worry (boy do I worry!). I let fear take over. But G always takes the time to hold me, tell me he hears what I'm saying, then reminds me of my freedom and identity in Christ.

7) He's a partner in every sense of the word

  • G does the dishes. Vacuums. Takes out the trash. Works side by side with me so we can rest together. Talks through even the most mundane decisions with me, and has been so proactive in learning how to partner me through this pregnancy! He even has plans to be 50% of the feeding process with Evie. I am so blessed to have a husband like him.

8) His laugh is contagious

  • Seriously! If he's laughing, I'm laughing.

9) He's as big a goof ball as I am

  • And I'm seriously goofy. Like changing the words to songs, bad puns, and ridiculous memes goofy. And (thankfully!) so is he.

10) He never stops improving

  • One thing I consistently admire about my husband is his desire to always be growing. Good is never enough for G. He pursues great, and I love his drive.

11) He's a softy at heart

  • My mister may talk a big game, but he positively melts when myself, our puppies, or anything Evie is concerned. He loves his girls, and I love seeing the way he loves.

12) He's trustworthy

  • This one was HUGE for me, Reader. I've always struggled to trust men, but G has proven time and time again that my heart is safe and treasured in his keeping. I find so much freedom in him.

13) He's reasonable

  • In fact, this trait got me my first date with him! I sent him a very reasonable "let's get coffee" email after he went silent during our email communication (eHarmony FTW!) and that email resulted in date number 1, all the following dates, an engagement in the Bahamas, a wedding in Temecula, a move to San Francisco, a home purchase in Houston, two puppies, countless trips, hundreds of cups of coffee, bottles of wine, and a baby on the way. Yes, I love that he's reasonable ;-)

14) Finally, he's a godly man

  • I couldn't love, trust, support, encourage, laugh with, or invest in someone who wasn't fully invested in Jesus first, and G desires more than anything to know and love God more and more. It's that trait above all others that allows me to be the partner and wife I know I'm called to be, and trust him to be the partner and husband he's called to be. I'm the luckiest wifey there is, and definitely not shy about singing his praises ;-)

That's it Reader! I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into G, and I hope that whatever your plans are, you know you are special, precious, loved, and have a Happy Valentine's Day!

#Love #ValentinesDay
