Ashley Lopez

Feb 13, 20152 min


I woke up today thinking about love. It’s only natural, right? With this being “Valentine’s Eve” and all. And while I am excited about what this weekend holds with my husband, that’s not the love I was thinking about.

You see, so often we let the Hallmark holiday get the best of us. They tell us Valentine’s Day is about love, relationships, and romance. Which is true. It absolutely is. But not just love from a boyfriend, a relationship with a fiancé, or romance from a husband.

Some of the most meaningful, enduring relationships in my life are not with men at all. My girl friends have been, as Carrie Bradshaw puts it, “my insides”, for many years. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without the support and love found in relationships with my girls.

There’s my family, too. Talk about unconditional love! I can be an emotional, ridiculous ball of crazy, and they still not only put up with me, but love on me through those times.

Ah, but what about romance? You don’t get romance from your family, or your friends, no matter how much or how well they love you. But we are being romanced, daily; we just have to take the time to see it.

You see, God wrote the most beautiful love story, and at the core of it all is a deep, strong love and a sweet romance aimed directly at you, dear one. So many verses come to mind where you can hear the whispers of His passion. One of my favorites is Isaiah 43:1 “But now, this is what the LORD says-- He who created you, {Jacob}, He who formed you, {Israel}: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’ ” Try replacing {Jacob} and {Israel} with your own name. Doesn’t it thrill you? You. Are. His.

Personally, I can think back to many times where He slowly, sweetly drew me to Himself. Times of heartbreak, when I needed to rest somewhere I found rest in His arms as He whispered “I know it hurts; I’m here. Trust me.” Times of joy when I raised my face and laughed at the sky, and I could almost feel Him laughing back. He’s there, He loves, and He woos.

So whatever your Valentine’s Day plans are, and whoever they include, remember this: You are beautiful, you are precious, and you are loved.

#beauty #character #faith #hope #inspiration #love #lovestory #lovingthelove #valentinesday
